Lobby 2023

Our vision for a better world

We are an independent, UK-based charity working nationally and internationally towards a just and effective system of legal regulation for all drugs. Our vision is a world where drug policy contributes to safer and healthier societies. When we legalise and regulate drugs that are currently illegal we can make them safer, while taking the market away from organised crime.

At Transform, we educate the public and policymakers on effective drug policy; we develop and promote viable options for legal regulation; and we support governments, policymakers and practitioners in achieving positive change that contributes to safer and healthier societies.

In addition to our long-term goal, we work actively to support pragmatic changes to how we approach drugs and drug use that can save lives today.

Through our Anyone’s Child campaign we amplify the voices of those who have been directly impacted by drug policy failures and want reform.

We have formed an Allyship with the social action network Blaksox, to ensure that the voices and experiences of Black people and communities most impacted by prohibition inform the debate as we move towards drug law reform in the UK.

Why we don't work with industry

We value our independence, and we make a determined effort to avoid conflicts of interest. We do not represent any stakeholders in the drug policy landscape, beyond the individuals and communities who are directly affected by drug policy failures. For this reason, we have clear guidelines on how we manage relationships with industries that stand to make profit from drug markets of any kind and do not accept money from these industries.

Our staff

Jane Slater
Co-Chief Executive Officer and Campaign Manager (Anyone's Child)

Shoba Ram
Co-Chief Executive Officer

Steve Rolles
Senior Policy Analyst


Martin Powell
Head of Partnerships


Ester Kincová
Public Affairs and Policy Manager


Mary Ryder
PhD Placement Student with the University of Bristol

Our trustees

Transform is fortunate to be supported by a dedicated and committed board of trustees.

Our supporters

We are grateful to all our supporters: from the hundreds of individuals who donate what they can to the trusts and foundations who provide us with larger grants.

We are fortunate to be supported by grants from:


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