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I am honoured to introduce myself as Transform’s new co-CEO and be given this opportunity to lead and learn from such a dedicated and passionate team.

I’m very excited to be working alongside Jane Slater as my co-CEO, she has abundance of drive and expertise, I couldn’t have asked for a better partner plus she is an awesome woman.

It has been my life-long commitment to improve access, reduce stigma and drive reshaping the broader narrative of drug policy reform and my personal connection to the impact of outdated, discriminatory and oppressive drug laws on communities has been shaped by working for over two decades in the field.

Having navigated the effects of systematic racism, I’m here - in this privilege position, to fuel the need for change.

I’m also passionately driven by equalities for women and this has given me the opportunity as Director for The Women’s Work Lab and a Trustee for Bristol Women’s Voice.

What a time to start, with drug policy reform making waves of change with Germany legalising Cannabis and the call for action with Synthetic Opioids that continue to flood markets leading to many unnecessary deaths.

Our work at Transform is steady and well-respected, with now a refresh of our ambitions, it’s time to lead us to a new era of impactful advocacy and shift the narrative. I’m excited about our future plans and how we lead policy reform around the world to leave meaningful and lasting impact.

I’m whole-heartedly grateful to the board of trustees and to our supporters, new and old that continue to support our work. Voices bring in change and the time is now.

Shoba Ram

Co-CEO, Transform Drug Policy Foundation